Category Archives: Martial Arts School

Kajukenbo vs Gracie Jiu-Jitsu

Kajukenbo or Gracie Jiu-Jitsu”

San Diego Kajukenbo| James Martial Arts Academy

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In 1993, I read the article below by Professor John Bishop in Black Belt Magazine, which changed my martial arts life and led me to train in the arts of Kajuknebo and Kosho-Ryu with Sr. Grand Master Tony Bowles and Grand Master Tim Bowles.

Today, MMA and BJJ are popular and are good martial arts. However, when you are investigating a martial arts system in San Diego for you or your family, I would caution you to remember that there are additional factors in a fight. Are there multiple attackers? If the answer is “YES,” I do not want to end up on the ground because of the “plus one factor. ” 

While you’re on the ground trying to subdue the first attacker, his buddy is punching you or kicking you in the head. Read the 3-minute article below to see why I selected Kajuknebo and Kosho-Ryu.

Food for thought! Do you want to study a martial art that focuses on one aspect of self-defense, or will it teach you how to defend yourself against a gun, club, or knife? Remember, the bad guy is not one-dimensional, so you need to be prepared.

Battle of the Arts

by John Bishop (Black Belt, May 94).
Brutal, deadly, overkill, street effective. Both these and many other terms have been used to describe Kajukenbo training and Gracie jiu-jitsu. Kajukenbo gained its reputation for being brutally effective decades ago in the U.S. Territory of Hawaii. Since then, its mixed-use of five martial arts and its no-nonsense approach to self-defense has contributed to its strong reputation as a highly effective self-defense system.

In recent years, a South American martial art known as Gracie jiu-jitsu has taken North America’s martial arts community by storm. Many martial artists have embraced this highly effective Brazilian system and have realized the ground-fighting limitations of their styles.

In this article, Black Belt discusses these systems with two of the world’s premier instructors of these arts.
Gary Forbach teaches Kajukenbo techniques in San Clemente, Ca. He is a former two-time national champion and has a 7th-degree black belt. His training of adults and kids in Kajukenbo has spanned close to 30 years.

For the last 15 years, he has trained directly under the founder of Kajukenbo, Adriano D. Emperado. He has produced over 30 training videos on Kajukenbo and has conducted Kajukenbo seminars worldwide.

Allyson Gracie teaches Gracie jiu-jitsu in Corona Del Mar, Ca. At the age of 4, he started his training under his father, Carlos Gracie, the founder of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. By age 14, he was teaching for his father in the original Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy. By age 18, he was a black belt with his students. At age 50, he is the highest-ranking practitioner (8th degree Grand Master) of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu in the United States.


Kajukenbo is a prime example of American ingenuity. It is also America’s first martial art system, founded in 1949 in the U.S. Territory of Hawaii. According to Forbach, Kajukenbo’s inception came about in 1947 when five Hawaiian martial arts masters, calling themselves the “Black Belt Society,” started a project to develop a comprehensive self-defense system.

These five men of vision were Peter Choo, the Hawaii welterweight boxing champion, and a Tang Soo Do black belt. Frank Ordonez, a Sekeino Jujitsu black belt. Joe Holck, a Kodokan Judo black belt. Clarence Chang, a master of Sil-lum Pai kung fu. And Adriano D. Emperado, a Chinese Kenpo black belt and Escrima master.

Together, these men trained for several hours each day, taking advantage of each other’s strengths and weaknesses to develop their new art. When Joe Holck and Peter Choo would spar, Holck could see his weaknesses in striking techniques, and Choo would realize his vulnerability once he was on the ground. Choo was able to show Choo how a Kenpo man could work inside a kicker with rapid-fire hand techniques.

Chang, in turn, showed the others how the circular, flowing techniques of Sil-lum Pai were used to evade and strike. And Frank Ordonez showed everyone how to go with an attacker’s force and then re-direct it against him with painful locks and throws.

After it was decided that Kenpo would be the basis to build on, it was a long three-year process incorporating the tang soo do kicks, jujitsu joint locks, judo throws, and sil-lum pai circular techniques into a complete system. Now all the system needed was a name. Joe Holck suggested that the name be “Kajukenbo,” ka for karate, Ju for judo and jujitsu, ken for Kenpo, and bo for Chinese boxing (kung fu).

Today, Kajukenbo is practiced all over the world. The chief organization for Kajukenbo is the “International Kajukenbo Association,” based in Oakland, California.
Kajukenbo techniques.

When Kajukenbo was founded, people no longer needed battlefield training. Warriors on horseback, armed with swords and spears, had been replaced by street thugs armed with knives and clubs. Kajukenbo was specifically developed with this in mind. Like most karate systems, Kajukenbo has katas, or forms.

These 14 katas are known as “Palama Sets” 1 through 14. (These katas were formerly known as Pinans. Forbach explains that in February of 1993, Professor Adriano D. Emperado renamed the katas to show their origin, the Palama Settlement of Honolulu, Hawaii.)

Although the Palama sets provide the Kajukenbo stylist with many street-effective techniques, Kajukenbo’s strength lies in its self-defense techniques. Like traditional systems, Kajukenbo takes many self-defense techniques from its katas.

These self-defense techniques are arranged and categorized into 15 grab arts, 21 punch counters, 15 knife counters, 15 club counters, nine two-person attack counters, and 26 advanced alphabet techniques.

By combining Tang Soo Do, Judo, Jujitsu, Kenpo, and Kung Fu techniques, the Kajukenbo stylist can defend himself in many ways. He can use soft circular kung fu techniques to evade and strike. Or he can use judo or jujitsu to throw an attacker to the ground. Forbach feels that the strength of Kajukenbo is in how these techniques are combined.

Unlike some traditional systems, Kajukenbo relies heavily on combination techniques. For example, if the attacker punches, the Kajukenbo stylist may step into the attack at a 45-degree angle while blocking with a soft palm block. He would then counterattack with several rapid-fire Kenpo hand strikes followed by a judo foot sweep. Once on the ground, the attacker could be struck again or controlled with a jujitsu lock.

These combination techniques are arranged so that each technique will set up the next by following the reaction of the attacker’s body. Although some martial artists may describe this as overkill, Forbach feels that an attacker may not be stopped by one strongly focused blow. Therefore, the theory behind Kajukenbo is that it is better to counter with a multitude of techniques that can be ended when the threat no longer exists than to rely on one technique and find that it is not enough.

Gracie Jiu-Jitsu

The development of Gracie jiu jitsu started more than 65 years ago. Brazil in the early 1900s was an immigrant country. Like George Gracie, who had immigrated from Scotland, many Japanese people immigrated to Brazil. Brazil is said to have the largest Japanese population outside of Japan. 

According to Reylson Gracie’s grandfather, Gastao Gracie played a significant role in assisting Japanese immigrants in establishing a community in Brazil. At that time, Gastao met a man named Mitsuo Maeda Koma. At the time, Koma was recognized as the world champion of jiu-jitsu. 

Because of Koma’s jiu-jitsu exploits, he was awarded a government position by then Crown Prince Hirohito. This position put Koma in charge of overseeing Japanese immigration into Brazil.

Before long, Gastao and Maeda formed a strong friendship. As a favor, Maeda started to teach jiu-jitsu to his friend’s son Carlos. This was in about 1918. When teaching Carlos jiu-jitsu, Maeda always impressed upon him the importance of keeping his knowledge secret because non-Japanese were never taught jiu-jitsu. Carlos was given the provision that he was only to teach it to family members and not the public. Carlos kept this agreement until Maeda’s death released him from it. 

Before he started to teach the public, Carlos taught jiu-jitsu to his brothers. When asked about the statements made in print that Helio Gracie was the founder of Gracie Jiu-jitsu, Reylson had a simple answer. “Helio was the youngest of my father’s four brothers. My father started training in jiu-jitsu when Helio was only six years old. Some of the Gracies have indeed added some of their innovations to their teachings, but my father was the one who founded Gracie jiu-jitsu. 

Carlos Gracie had four brothers who were black belts under him and ten sons who he trained to black belt level. Besides his brothers and sons, there are grandsons, nephews, and grand nephews, who carry on the Gracie tradition.

 He was also the first man to teach jiu-jitsu in Brazil. “

The central organization for Gracie jiu-jitsu is the Federation of Jiu-Jitsu de Rio, headquartered in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The Techniques of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu

Although jiu-jitsu generally employs striking, kicking, throwing, and ground fighting, the strong point of most jiu-jitsu systems is their joint locking techniques. Gracie jiu-jitsu uses all the techniques mentioned above, plus techniques borrowed from boxing, karate, and many other fighting systems. 

According to Nelson, the Gracies have always looked at different fighting systems to see what they have. If they see something that they like, they use it.

Traditionally, Gracie jiu-jitsu is taught only in private groups of three students. The number three is used so that the students can train with a partner as the instructor works with each student. Beginning students go through a course of thirty-six one-hour private lessons. In those thirty-six hours, the student learns about three hundred techniques. 

When asked if three hundred techniques were too much to cover in just thirty-six hours, Reylson explained it this way. “Three hundred techniques is not too much to learn in thirty-six hours of private instruction.” Since many people will not devote a long period to martial arts training, what I want to accomplish in these first thirty-six hours is to give them an excellent self-defense course. 

I want them to be able to defend themselves in most situations. At first, we don’t spend a lot of time on the fine points of jiu-jitsu. We get down to pure self-defense. All I need to do is to teach students how to react intuitively. You don’t have to be perfect to escape danger. You only need to have the right idea. 

When it only takes you three seconds to make the right move in a fight, thirty-six hours with me is more than enough time to learn practical self-defense. “

Nelson firmly believes that the study of Gracie jiu-jitsu is a lifelong journey like other martial arts. After a student completes his first thirty-six-hour course, he can discontinue his training or continue with his private instruction. There are over one thousand techniques in the Gracie system.

In Conclusion

Now we come to the big question, which is better, Kajukenbo or Gracie jiu-jitsu?

Everyone who has witnessed Gracie jiu-jitsu in action has the same opinion. There is no one better at ground fighting than the Gracies. And if it’s true that 96% of all fights go to the ground, then Gracie jiu-jitsu is one system you may want to add to your training.

Aside from the grappling superiority, Reylson is the first to admit that his system has weaknesses when fighting multiple attackers. He elaborated by saying, “I once fought four guys and won, but I’m no superman. After I beat the first one quickly, the other three ran away. If they had all attacked me at the same time, it would have been a different story”.

Kajukenbo’s strength lies in the fact that it was designed for modern street self-defense and utilizes the techniques from five systems. By combining these systems, the Kajukenbo stylist can fight on his feet, on the ground, or against multiple attackers if necessary.

You might ask, “What is the best beginner martial art?” or “What is the best close-combat martial art?” When comparing these two systems, the superiority of a system can only be judged by the abilities of the individual practitioner.

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Should You Enroll in Martial Arts Training?

should you enroll in martial arts training??

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Are you looking for a new way to get fit and learn self-defense and discipline? If so, martial arts may be the perfect option for you. Classes are available for all ages and experience levels, so it’s a great activity to try if you’re unsure about what you want to do.

But before you sign up, make sure you do your research and find the style you like. With the proper preparation and guidance, you can reap many benefits from martial arts and enjoy all it offers.

What Are Martial Arts?

Martial art is a term that refers to a variety of different fighting styles. These styles can be used for self-defense, competition, or physical fitness. There are many other disciplines under the martial arts umbrella, so you can find one that matches your interests and experience level.

What Are the Benefits of Martial Arts Training?

There are many benefits gained from training in martial arts, including improved physical fitness, better self-defense skills, and increased discipline. These are just a few of the benefits you can expect to experience when starting martial arts training.

Improved Physical Fitness

Training in martial arts is a great way to get fit. The various disciplines require a lot of energy and movement, so you can expect to improve your physical fitness level significantly. In addition, martial arts is a great way to improve your overall strength and endurance.

Increased Discipline

 Another benefit of martial arts is that it can help to build discipline. If you can stick with the school programs, you will develop essential skills like self-motivation, focus, and perseverance. These skills can be applied to other areas of your life, such as your career or personal relationships.

Better Self-Defense Skills

Martial arts can also help you improve your self-defense skills. Many of the disciplines focus on hand-to-hand combat, so you can learn how to defend yourself in various situations. You’ll also learn to stay calm under pressure and make quick decisions in a dangerous situation.

You can learn how to defend yourself in a real-world situation properly with the proper instruction. This can be incredibly empowering and help you feel more confident in your day-to-day life.

Relieves Stress

Many people find that martial arts help relieve stress. When you’re in a class, you’re focused on learning and mastering new techniques. This can be a great way to forget about your troubles and focus on something else. In addition, the physical activity involved in martial arts can help to release endorphins, which can improve your mood and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.

Improves Focus

 Another benefit of martial arts is that it can help improve your focus. When you’re in a class, you need to pay attention to what your instructor says and follow their instructions. This can help you improve your focus and concentration skills. In addition, the discipline involved in martial arts can help you stay focused on your goals and achieve them over time.

See Gradual Improvements Over Time

Martial arts are a great way to see gradual improvements within yourself. If you stick with your training program, you will develop essential self-motivation, focus, and perseverance skills.

These skills can be applied to other areas of your life, such as your career or personal relationships. In addition, you will see a significant improvement in your physical fitness level. With the correct instruction, you can also learn to defend yourself in a real-world situation properly. All of these things can lead to a more confident and successful you.

Enrolling in martial arts training can be a great way to improve your life in many different ways.

How Do You Find the Right School for You

When looking for a martial arts school, it’s essential to research and find one that matches your interests and experience level. There are many different schools, so it’s crucial to find one that fits your needs.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a martial arts school:

1. Do you want to learn a particular discipline? Many different martial arts disciplines, such as karate, taekwondo, and jiu-jitsu. Make sure you find a school that offers the one you’re interested in.

2. What is the level of experience of the instructors? It’s crucial to find professional instructors who have a lot of experience and can share their knowledge.

3. How does the school structure its classes? Some schools offer various class times, so you can pick one that fits your schedule. It’s also essential to have a range of classes available, including beginner, intermediate, and advanced.

By doing your research and finding the right martial arts school, you can ensure that you get the most out of your training. Whether you’re looking to learn self-defense skills or improve your fitness level, there is a martial arts class. So why wait? Start exploring your options today.

What to Expect in a Typical Martial Arts Class

In a typical martial arts class, you can expect to do various exercises and drills. These may include kicking and punching bags, sparring with a partner, or practicing technique drills. You’ll also usually spend some time stretching and warming up your muscles.

The pace of the class will vary depending on the discipline you’re learning. Some martial arts, such as taekwondo and karate, tend to focus more on technical practice and sparring, while others, like aikido or judo, emphasize grappling with an opponent. No matter what style you choose, it’s important to remember that the most important thing is having fun and enjoying yourself.

Preparing for Your First Class

If you’re new to a martial arts school program, there are a few things you should keep in mind before your first class. Here are a few tips:

-Arrive early. This will give you time to get acquainted with the school and meet the other students.

-Wear comfortable clothing and footwear that allow you to move freely.

-Bring a water bottle to stay hydrated during the class.

-Don’t be intimidated. Just remember that everyone starts somewhere, and the other students are there to support you.

-Be prepared to get bruises and sore muscles. This is normal when you’re first starting out, so remind yourself that it’s a sign that your body is adapting to the new training.

-Properly introduce yourself to your instructor. This can help you feel more included in the class and show that you’re ready to learn.

-Be prepared for the physical demands of the class. You may need to exert yourself more than you’re used to, but this is a good thing! It will help your body adapt to new training methods and build strength in muscles that you didn’t know existed.

With these tips in mind, you can feel confident and prepared for your first martial arts class. Just remember that everyone starts somewhere, and the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the journey.

Whether you’re a seasoned martial artist or a complete beginner, enrolling in martial arts training can be a great way to improve your life in many different ways. So what are you waiting for?
Start exploring your options today

Different Types of Martial Arts and Which One May Be Right for You

There are many different types of martial arts, and each one has its own unique benefits and challenges. Here is a brief overview of some of the most popular disciplines:

Muay Thai/Kickboxing

There are a few distinct differences between kickboxing and Muay Thai, although kickboxing is now used as a generic term to describe anything that involves punching and kicking. These ancient Thai art forms have been passed down from generation to generation. This martial art also includes fists, feet, knees, and elbows, in addition to grappling and clinching.

In case you dream of participating in a martial arts competition, this is a suitable path. Amateur kickboxing matches aren’t that difficult to find, and Muay Thai is often used by MMA fighters as a striking technique. The kicks will probably be easier for you at the start if you’re already flexible. Considering Muay Thai’s practicality from a self-defense standpoint, it is positioned somewhere in the middle.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Originally derived from judo, this ground grappling technique became its own distinct discipline in the early 1900s. It has gained mainstream prominence relatively recently, thanks to Royce Gracie’s dominance of the early UFC tournaments. The goal of BJJ is to hold your opponent in a submission hold long enough that either you knock them out or you inflict so much pain that they have no choice but to submit.

It is not the most effective choice if you are trying to defend yourself, as taking a man to the ground is not an effective strategy. BJJ is not a sport for individuals with issues of personal space. Nevertheless, if you’re primarily interested in martial arts as a sport, this may be the most appropriate choice. A BJJ tournament is becoming more popular, and losing typically won’t result in a broken nose. You will need head gear, however, in order to prevent cauliflower ears.

Krav Maga

Krav Maga’s literal Hebrew translation is “contact combat,” and this is one of the most accurate ways to describe the martial art. The Israeli Defense Forces developed this system for use in

combat situations. Aside from learning punches, kicks, and throws, you will also learn how to deal with real-life scenarios such as disarming an attacker. During training, you will also be exposed to rubber weapons like knives and guns.

Those who crave contact will find this martial art appealing. There are lots of twists and strikes in this activity, so it’s very effective for your core and puts stress on your joints. In exchange, you’ll likely leave class with bruises from all of that contact. You won’t find many Krav Maga tournaments to compete in after you reach higher levels, but the tests will feel like real fights as you advance. This is the most practical martial art on this list, as it virtually eliminates ground fighting and is a highly effective self-defense art.


Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and is one of the broadest forms of self-defense. Statistics show it has more supporters than other martial arts, and it is even an Olympic sport. Techniques include punching, kicking, and throwing.

As each school program varies so widely, it’s a smart idea to attend a few classes in your area and see if you like them. Many of the sparring matches are fought in full gear, so plenty of stuff needs to be purchased. (But you are better protected as a result.) Taekwondo is an Olympic sport, so it should be easy to find competition opportunities.

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

While mixed martial arts hasn’t been around in the U.S. for quite some time, it’s changed a great deal since the early days of the UFC. Originally made up of fighters fighting, Bloodsport-style, MMA has developed into a highly fluid and nuanced sport with a large following.

In general, MMA requires a longer time and financial commitment than some other martial arts because it includes so many aspects. But due to the amount of work involved, it usually results in an excellent workout. Although the discipline isn’t intended for self-defense, it’s not the most ineffective option for defending yourself. It teaches fighters to handle a variety of situations. You can also enjoy watching the UFC without getting bored.


The Japanese art of judo, developed in the late 1800s, primarily focuses on throws and chokes and almost never involves any form of striking. Judo is actually the source of other types of martial arts, such as Russian Sambo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

The sport of judo remains very popular for competition, even though jiu-jitsu has gained some ground. While there is no striking, there is plenty of impact, and if you are trying to defend yourself, this is more practical than BJJ. Those taking judo should be prepared for a full-body workout with a strong emphasis on developing their core strength and grip strength.


Kajukenbo, a mixed martial art, is well-known for its street-effective, brutal, deadly, and overkill approach to self-defense. These are just a few adjectives that describe the system of martial arts called Kajukenbo, or Kaju. Background: Kajukenbo, a method of self-defense against street criminals in Hawaii, was popularized in the 1940s. Modern criminals are equipped with knives, guns, and clubs instead of the traditional way of fighting using a spear or sword. Criminals could fight without following rules; they could kick, punch, gouge, and bite. Unsuspecting people would encounter these criminals in the streets. It was a fight for life and death. Kajukenbo’s art was created to win such a fight. Its use of five martial arts and no-nonsense self-defense approaches has contributed to its rapid growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are no specific requirements to enroll in a martial arts class, but you should always do your research before signing up. Search for a school that offers classes that align with your goals and experience level, as well as one that offers programs that fit into your schedule. You should also look for a school with positive reviews from other students, so you can feel confident in the quality of instruction you will receive.

Most martial arts classes are beginner-friendly, so they are a great option for those who are new to the activity. However, many classes also offer more advanced levels, so you can continue to challenge yourself as you progress. In addition, most martial arts schools offer classes for all ages, so you can find one that is appropriate for your child, teen, or adult.

It’s not just about self-defense skills. It’s about building your confidence and self-esteem, becoming more mindful of your own body, and learning how to control your impulses. There are many benefits of martial arts. Martial arts training can help you develop a better understanding of yourself, improve your physical fitness, boost your self-confidence and self-esteem, and learn how to control impulses.

Some people may not be able to afford the time or money for training or practice, and others may not have the physical ability. Martial arts can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing or if you’re not trained properly. There is always a risk of injury when practicing martial arts, which is why it’s important to know what you’re getting into before beginning any kind of training program.

There is no particular age group that should enroll in martial arts training, but it is recommended for children to enroll in a martial arts kids class as soon as possible. There are many benefits to martial arts training. It teaches children to be more disciplined and offers them a sense of accomplishment. It also teaches them how to handle themselves in potentially dangerous situations. It is a great way for them to stay fit, build self-confidence and make friends.

Some people may think that martial arts training is just a way to get in shape and learn self- defense skills. But there is research that suggests that martial arts training can also positively affect your mental health. For example, a study found that people who practiced martial arts had lower levels of depression and anxiety than those who did not practice martial arts. Another

study found that individuals with a history of trauma were less likely to experience symptoms of PTSD if they participated in karate or tai chi classes.

The typical class size is 20-25 students. A small class size allows for more one-on-one time with the instructor and a more intimate learning environment.

There are many different types of martial arts classes available, such as Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Jeet Kune Do, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Tang Soo Do, and Boxing. They are all different in their own way. Martial arts are a great way to learn self-discipline and respect for others while having fun at the same time. Different martial arts classes have various benefits.

The cost of a typical martial arts class is approximately $25 – $150 per hour.

Ultimately, martial arts training can be a great way to get in shape, learn new skills, and gain confidence. Whether you want to improve your physical fitness, boost your self-defense abilities, or simply relieve some stress, there are many benefits to be gained from this activity.

If you have the passion for enjoying sports like martial arts, you can get started today and enjoy learning this unique unarmed combat sport. Every person in the community is welcome to learn. Kids and adults alike. A practitioner will instill discipline, principle, teaching every student that they can attain the black belt if they are worthy to wear it.

So if you’re looking for something new to try, want to learn life skills, or just simply want to become like your favorite martial artists, consider enrolling in a martial arts class today.

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Martial Arts for Older Adults

James Martial Arts Academy is El Cajon-based and is proud to announce its older adult martial arts classes. Darryl James and Cheryl James run the academy and offer their vast experience to anyone who wants to improve their physical combat skills and discipline. Adults can take classes at the martial arts academy to begin their martial arts training. You can read more about martial arts classes for adults by clicking on Martial Arts Classes for Adults Near Me.

James is an El Cajon martial arts instructor with extensive experience training adults and children in self-defense of all ages. He believes that teaching martial arts is most effective when the students develop their skills and confidence. He stated, “Martial arts are more than self-defense, punching, and kicking. It’s about building confidence, character, focus, and respect. “

Sigung James observed that all classes promote growth in mind and body. Martial arts provide students with immediate positive feedback that gives them a boost in their confidence. You can see how hard work is paying off, and it helps you believe in yourself and appreciate the hard work. They learn to be disciplined and respectful by focusing on the core moves. James says that they can immediately feel and see a difference and are destined to build self-confidence, self-awareness, and self-respect.

Martial arts can also be fun and help you get fit, build confidence, or other reasons. James is passionate about martial arts and makes it a point that he shares this passion with his students. He says that he loves teaching martial arts in El Cajon, La Mesa, and Santee communities. This is why I know that you will love training with me.

James Martial Arts Academy offers martial arts training for children and a class for adults. Although most martial arts students are children, the academy welcomes adults who want to learn new techniques. The academy states that it is difficult to find a program in martial arts for children or seniors in San Diego. However, James Martial Arts Academy can help you feel confident that you have found the right karate training school. With our proven methods and experienced trainers, we can help you get to the next level, no matter your age or experience. Partnering with us will guarantee that we will help you reach your fitness and martial art goals through challenging classes.

Many academy students left testimonials thanking James for making a positive difference in their lives. Alysandra shares her testimonial on the academy’s website, saying, “Hands down, the best trainer I have ever had.” Sigung Darryl excels at what he does. His motivation and drive will push you beyond your limits. One of my friends found him and invited us to a class. He was attentive and made sure that I was following the correct form, even though three others were in the class. After being completely out of shape for a while, I noticed improvements in my form and strength within a few months. Sigung Darryl makes it easy for me to go to the gym. I’ve always struggled to motivate myself, but I love the class.

Danny, a student, wrote a 5-star review on the site, stating that “Sifu Darryl” is an outstanding instructor. He is an expert in his field. Anyone who wants to learn true martial arts and self-defense would be well served by the James Martial Arts Academy.

To join a San Diego martial arts class for older adults, contact the James Martial Arts Academy. Many people have seen remarkable personal growth since they walked in. You can learn more by clicking the link: Martial Arts Classes for older adults Near me.

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Kajukenbo for kids

The James Martial Arts Academy Kids’ Courses

Parents face one of the most difficult challenges: helping their children develop positive mental and physical skills. It can be stressful and scary, to be honest. It’s about raising children who can deal with real-world problems and dangers.

It’s even harder to find an activity that children enjoy and develops their mental and physical skills. It cannot be easy to convince children that going to a place to do something is more enjoyable than playing on a tablet or computer at home.

Many parents choose to have their children learn self-defense and martial arts.

There are many options for kids’ self-defense classes. The variety of choices dilutes the essence of self-defense. It’s not about getting kids to take self-defense or martial arts classes. It’s about getting them into the right kids’ self-defense class with experienced instructors who will provide the right training.

Parents and children will waste their time if there is no clear way to teach self-defense skills and learn them.

The best self-defense for children.

Children’s self-defense classes are the best for children. Every parent fears for their children and how they will react if they are bullied, beaten up, or attacked. The fear is that children will learn self-defense in self-defense classes for children and then use those skills against other kids. This is why self-defense classes are essential for kids. They will learn valuable skills that will be useful in the real world.

The Kajueknbo method is a leader in reality-based self-defense training for kids and adults. Our self-defense classes for kids and fight training classes for kids are rooted in a system that was specifically designed so that it is easy to remember and easy to learn under stress.

The James Martial Arts Academy has certified instructors who teach children’s classes. They teach self-defense classes to children in a fun and challenging way. They teach children mental and physical skills that help them avoid trouble and fight back when there is no other option.

The James Martial Arts Academy self-defense classes for kids are more than just martial arts. They are a systematic way to teach children skills that will make them safe and strong.

What is Kajueknbo?

Kajukenbo is often called the “first M. M.A.” because of its ability to protect the Hawaiians against American soldiers during World War II.

Kajukenbo was established in 1947 at Palama Settlement, Oahu, Hawaii. It was born out of the “Black Belt Society,” a group of black belts with different martial arts backgrounds who came together to learn and train. This was the start of an adaptive, evolutionary style that combines the best aspects of all the arts.

Kajukenbo Self Defense Roots

The Palama Settlement was violent in the 1940s. There were many stabbings and fistfights. The founders of Kajukenbo sought to create art that could be used on the streets. Adriano Emperado and Joe Emperado began teaching the new art to an open class in 1950. The school was called the Kajukenbo Self Defense Institute (K. S.D.). I.) The founders of Kajukenbo quickly earned a reputation for being formidable street fighters as they trained and fought around Palamas Settlement.

Self-defense classes for kids:

Self-defense can be used by both adults and children. Kajueknbo’s adult self-defense classes are based on “combative,” striking techniques. The same applies to children. The James Martial Arts Academy’s teen self-defense classes teach students to defend themselves against attackers using punches and kicks, knees, elbows, and groundwork. The person who defends themselves must be able to stop the threat and cause pain to the offender. Students at James Martial Arts Academy don’t start fights. We do everything to deescalate situations and use our martial arts skills only as a last resort.

These striking skills and techniques are taught and developed systematically by our self-defense classes for kids. We spend time practicing katas in self-defense classes at James Martial Arts Academy. Some styles will claim that they don’t practice ceremonial katas. These styles overlook that katas include all the self-defense moves and low stances in Kajukenbo or Kosho-Ryu. Ryu strengthens the legs, hips, and backs of students.

There is no magical or esoteric element. Our self-defense classes teach children how to move like boxers, get into a basic fighting stance, and defend themselves on their feet.

As they move up the belt levels, the children’s self-defense techniques become more complex. The Kajukenbo or Kosho-Ryu belt levels for children are determined by many factors, such as age, physical ability, and the ability to teach others. You won’t find a 7-year-old black belt in our academy. Each rank is earned and not handed out. I will make sure your child can defend themselves. But, the most important thing to me is that they have the confidence to walk away from a fight and use their words to deescalate.

Our instructors are skilled at introducing and adding scenarios to the training. This brings the techniques to life and helps students not feel overwhelmed.

Three free trial classes are available so that you can test out our programs risk-free.

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